Medical Malpractice
Choose An Experienced Oklahoma County Medical Malpractice Attorney
Top Attorney Steven E. Clark
NO attorney in Oklahoma has won more medical cases at trial than Steve Clark.
We compassionately fight for your best interests and won’t take the easy way out.

The job of doctors, nurses, and surgeons, is to perform surgery that could be minor or major. But sometimes you and your loved one can be in trouble due to negligence from a health service provider.
In such cases, you need advice from a medical malpractice attorney here in Oklahoma City.
Medical malpractice:
Medical malpractice law is designed to protect victims of negligence as well as hold physicians, nurses, hospitals, and other medical professionals accountable for any injuries, including surgical error, delayed diagnosis, or birth injuries.
Though tort reform has affected procedures and, in some cases the ability to file, it still makes sense to talk to experienced Oklahoma City Medical Malpractice Lawyers to find out what your legal options are. Even with changes in the law, you may still be able to pursue a medical violation claim.
In what cases can medical malpractice occur?
- Failure to properly diagnose a disease, illness, or injury that could otherwise have been detected under normal medical care
- Under treating a medical condition
- Overtreating a medical condition
- Issuing the wrong prescriptions, dosages, or causing drug interactions
- Infections
- Surgical errors
Additional medical issues may also be the result of malpractice. We can review the facts of your case to help determine if actual malpractice occurred.
One of the most important things that must be understood is that disappointment with the outcome of a medical service does not necessarily mean that malpractice occurred.
A treatment that did not work, a surgery that did not produce the desired results, or a diagnosis that is not what the patient originally thought was wrong does not mean the medical professional acted in a way that was negligent or dangerous.
Harm must have occurred as a direct result of a negligent action or inaction for it to be considered a malpractice event.
Why Should I contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Oklahoma City?
More than any other personal injury claim, medical malpractice cases are difficult to pursue and can be challenging both in the collection and documentation of evidence as well as procedurally. If you suspect that you are a victim of medical malpractice in Oklahoma, it is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible.
If you or your loved one has suffered from a medical error, you need an experienced attorney in order to figure out what had really happened. Medical error or medical malpractice is not a simple case it is a complicated one.
Steve Clark & Associates can provide strategic legal counsel and aggressive representation if you or a loved one has been harmed due to someone else’s negligence. We serve clients in Oklahoma City and statewide as Oklahoma City Medical Malpractice Lawyers.
Expert Resources and Experienced Advocacy / Malpractice Attorney
One of the most important elements of a medical malpractice claim is working with an expert witness. You cannot file a claim unless you have a medical expert willing to testify against your physician. This is one reason why medical malpractice claims can become difficult. Our firm as malpractice lawyers OKC has an extensive network of resources, including out-of-state doctors willing to testify on behalf of our clients.
Our legal malpractice lawyer OKC team has the experience, medical-legal knowledge, and dedication to handle your case effectively. We will work tirelessly to protect your legal rights and help you pursue compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, long-term care needs, and any additional personal or financial losses you have sustained.
Do I Have a Claim?
This can be a complex question but simply put, your claim depends on whether a doctor breached a standard of care that caused an injury to you or a loved one. Professionals, including doctors and nurses, are expected to provide a certain quality and level of care.
When this standard is not met and an injury results, the professional may be held liable. For instance, a physician may assume professional liability if he or she prescribes the wrong medication to a patient. While we cannot say for certain that you have a successful claim, we have 30 years of experience as malpractice lawyers in OKC and properly assessing medical malpractice injuries.
Most medical negligence cases are difficult to prove because of the lack of cooperation an injured patient receives from the medical community in Oklahoma, you need assistance from an Oklahoma City Medical Malpractice Lawyer so you can fight against the medical practice.
When a Doctor Will Held Liable?
The court will decide if the physician is liable for determining whether or not a reasonable person would have acted the same way. There is no leniency for a physician who lacked experience or had a bad day.
As long as the individual decided to engage in the profession and his or her negligent actions resulted in an injury that could have otherwise been prevented, the medical professional can be held liable.
Other useful links
- WebMD
- American Medical Association
- PULSE (Persons United Limiting Substandards and Errors in Health Care)
- Medicine Net (medical information for consumers)
- Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision
- Department of Health (Oklahoma State)
- Board of Osteopathic Examiners(Oklahoma State)
- Oklahoma Board of Nursing
- Oklahoma State Department of Human Services

Free Consultation
Contact us today by phone or email; send us as many details as possible, including the facts of your case.

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