Steve Clark and Associates

Proudly Serving The Greater Oklahoma City Area


Stroke Malpractice Attorney

In the medical field, strokes are an unfortunate yet relatively common occurrence. Defined as a sudden interruption in blood supply to the brain, a stroke can be debilitating to the individual and devastate their families, burdening them with lifelong caretaking and medical bills.

MRI Showing Brain Injury

Top Attorney Steven E. Clark

NO attorney in Oklahoma has won more medical cases at trial than Steve Clark.

We compassionately fight for your best interests and won’t take the easy way out.

Member of NAOPIA

The treatment of strokes has vastly improved in the last few years. If caught early enough, strokes (sometimes called brain attacks) can be treated with drugs that dissolve the clot that has traveled to the brain before permanent damage occurs. However, time is critical in diagnosing and treating a stroke.

Medical studies indicate that strokes are the number one cause of disability in the United States as well as the number one cause of death. For many patients, early diagnosis and treatment can lead to a full recovery.

However, when the symptoms are ignored or misdiagnosed, severe or catastrophic consequences can result; the patient can often suffer another stroke that will lead to disability or death.


Symptoms Include:

  • Dizzy sensation that causes loss of balance or coordination
  • Face, arms or legs (usually confined to one side) suffering weakness, numbness or paralysis
  • Fainting
  • Slurred speech
  • Sudden, severe headache
  • Loss of vision in one or both eyes, or double vision

The effects of a stroke can be catastrophic; one can leave you with an inability to speak without slurring, and ineffective body movements for your arms and legs, usually on one side.

Depending on the severity, you may be out of work for the rest of your life, or endure an enormous amount of medical bills that you may not be able to handle financially. Stroke malpractice can be devastating to you or your family.

When a physician misses evidence of a stroke, this may be a medical mistake, including if misinterpretation of examination findings leads to untimely and wrongful death. Wrongful death medical malpractice is any error of a doctor or physician that greatly quickens or causes death.

When symptoms are missed or not diagnosed correctly, your family may lose its primary caregiver or drown in the bills associated with medical treatment, rehabilitation, or in the worst case, funeral costs.

The medical malpractice attorneys at Clark & Associates can assist you in building your case involving stroke-related mistakes; this can include the errors in diagnosing strokes, including minor transient ischemic attack (TIA). If a loved one has died due to medical wrongdoing, Clark & Mitchell P.C. will review your case for recovery of damages.

We will discover why the original diagnosis was missed and find all liable parties involved; this way, your family can be compensated in full for the injury that should have been prevented, to begin with.


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Contact us today by phone or email; send us as many details as possible, including the facts of your case.


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